New Quinn Presentation Available: “Ethical Representation of the Placing Parent in Adoptions”

From the course description: “In adoption proceedings, it is crucial that attorneys follow the appropriate ethical guidelines in representing the placing parent in order to avoid, and reduce, contested placements. In addition to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys has an additional Code of Ethics that is especially attuned to the issues of placing parent fraud and other adoption issues. Join Colleen Quinn as she reviews the specific ethical considerations that attorneys must be aware of when working with these types of cases. She will begin by reviewing how to properly adhere to the ABA Rules in representing the placing parent. She will then illuminate on how to look for potential red flags that the adoption may not be successful and understand the key ethical issues in representing the placing parent. She will also review the applicable statutes and case law that affect the placing parent, including the recent Supreme Court decision in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, that the attorney needs to be aware of to ensure the adoption is successful.

“Learning Objectives:
I. Understand the Key Ethical Issues in Representing the Placing Parent
II. Know How to Prepare for the Initial Meeting
III. Determine Which Law Governs in Conflict of Law Issues
IV. Comprehend Different Arguments for Attacking Placing Parent Consents”