Diligent, Intelligent, Thorough and Compassionate Representation

Today marks 3 years since the event in which I nearly lost my life. Colleen’s awareness for the need of the Women’s Injury Law Center, her diligent, intelligent, thorough and compassionate representation, I never would have fathomed could exist. Because of the intensity of the assault and the resultant PTSD, the whirl of therapies, trials, different homes, and loss of control, I learned through her confidence and reassurance that I could let go and hand the case over to her. Without the settlement award, I wouldn’t be able to enlist healers and all other forms of therapies that have proven vital for me to rebuild a life, reintegrate with friends and family, in my own home, and have the financial security to heal along the path healing takes. She supplied me with lifelong resources to cope with this event and anything that proves challenging.
– Leila